We had a blast looking around and trying to get used to the lay of the land.
I took lots of pictures.
This is how we got to the market

If you look closely you can see me next to the one in green.

It is very crowded at the market ( and a little stinky)

Trying to find out how much bananas are

People are very helpful

Lyda Barnett looking at some woven fans

The bags of liquid are soda pop

This little one kept saying Hi, Hi, Hi


Stephanie and Sarah

This lady was bagging and wanted us to give her pesos

Fancy pineapple cutting

Pineapple on a stick

On the way home we got a pedicab, we fit all seven of us in it!

When we flagged down the pedicab we had two of them fighting over us!
Location:Agdao market